LDAP as in OpenLDAP’s ldapsearch command
Remember the weird syntax!
This weird ldapsearch command syntax
I, for one, never remember how to use ldapsearch (and similar commands). The man doesn’t have a clear example and Google searches aren’t always to the point.. well!
Find all members of group posix_sysadmins (or any other group)
This outputs the ‘memberUid’ attribute from users in ‘posix_sysadmins’ while logging in as kang@example.com. This assumes an OU ‘groups’ (which is generally default…).
ldapsearch -h ldap.example.com -x -D "mail=kang@example.com,o=com,dc=example" -W -b 'cn=posix_sysadmins,ou=groups,dc=example' 'memberUid'
Filter valid acccounts in ldap
This outputs a list of “non-disabled” accounts. Note that in this case this is a custom attribute. This whos the syntax for queries where you want to exclude a match. Turns out using ‘!=’ operator would have been way too logical :)
ldapsearch -h ldap.example.com -x -D "mail=kang@example.com,o=com,dc=example" -W -b dc=example "(mail=*)" dn "(!(employeeType=DISABLED))"