less than 1 minute read

VirtualEnvWrapper is a common wrapper to use Python’s virtual envs. However, thats a huge script to save a few lines of typing. And I don’t like huge scripts too much, specially if they’re not part of the main distribution of a project.

Note: You need virtualenv and pip for this to work.

So I put this in my shell profile/rc:

        #replace virtualenv2 by virtualenv if needed.
        #virtualenv2 just means i'm using python2 and have python3 as main interpreter)
        function mkvenv() {
                mkdir -p ~/.virtualenvs/$1
                virtualenv2 --no-site-packages ~/.virtualenvs/$1
                source ~/.virtualenvs/$1/bin/activate
        function rmvenv() {
                rm -rf ~/.virtualenvs/$1
        function lsvenvs() {
                ls ~/.virtualenvs

Then you can just go with:

        $ mkvenv my_project
        (my_project)$ pip install django;pip install blah

        (my_project)$ pip freeze > requirements.txt
        (my_project)$ deactivate
        $ lsvenvs
        $ rmvenv my_project

See also: https://github.com/kangsterizer/dot/blob/master/.zshrc

